EasyClean SG is happy to share a piece of good news with you. 😊
Our cleaning crew, Tan Jin Hui, has been awarded with the Environmental Services (ES) Star Award by NEA!
The ES Star Award is a leading-tier award to appreciate exemplary ES employees across three sectors (cleaning services, waste management and pest management) in three categories (frontline, supervisory and operations support).
You may read more about news release from NEA here (paragraph 14), or more about the award from CGS here!
Did you know that another EasyClean SG cleaning crew’s, Joel Yeo, was awarded the same award last year (year 2021) too! You may read more about the news release from NEA here (Annex B).
EasyClean SG would like to express our heartfelt gratitude here as we would not be here without your support. We hope we can progress even more in the years to come, so we can continue to serve you better!